Using apps to improve you’re gaming

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Since the mobile market took off and smartphones became an unrivalled commodity it seems that there has been an app invented to help with everything. There are more in depth calendars, ways to track your weight loss, apps to teach you how to play cards and even apps from specific shops so you can purchase on the move.
Apps to teach you how to play cards and casino games have come from the huge boost the industry has received since the invention of mobile gaming. Advantage blackjack is one way to learn how to become a master at the game and earn some extra pocket money at your favourite casino. Reviews have hailed the app as incredible with one user saying: “[it’s] everything you need to become an excellent blackjack player.”
If you’re new to blackjack don’t worry, as the app is specifically designed to turn novices and first time players into pros with the help of a little training. By incorporating basic strategy training and card counting you can learn all the skills you need and test your abilities during realistic practice games until you feel confident enough to play with your hard earned cash at a casino. Card counting is somewhat of a grey area with many casinos as it is not specifically cheating – not that we would ever condone such a thing – but it is frowned upon and generally disliked.
With options to tailor the game rules to those used at your local casino, it’s ideal to have open alongside your game for a few extra tips and tricks. These apps have become rather popular and some online casinos have started to cotton on to the fact that they are being is one of a few casinos that are not currently looking out for players using these types of apps.
There are two versions of the app – one free and one that is to be purchased. As with all things digital the free version is a slight downgrade of the purchased one; the paid-only features give you the ability to: count more than three cards at a time; simulate live play counting; simulate unbalanced counting systems; create counting systems defined by the user as well as being completely ad-free. Whether you want to learn a new skill or make a little extra cash, why not check out what other apps are available to improve your knowledge?


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